Time to apply for PYP 1 autum 2024

If you are interested in your child starting in PYP 1 at the International School in Älmhult from autumn 2024, it is now time to apply for a place.

You print out and fill in the application which is available on the municipality's website: Admission & Moving | Älmhult Municipality (almhult.se) External link.One of the following admission criteria need to be met, in order to be enrolled at The International School of Älmhult (ISÄ).

  • Pupils in international families moving to Älmhult and staying for a limited time.
  • Pupils in families moving to Älmhult or the region who have attended an International School abroad for a major part of their education and therefore have a reason to complete his/her education in an International School.
    Having attended an International Preschool is not a given condition to be enrolled.
  • Pupils living permanently in Älmhult or the region who in the near future will continue their education in an International School abroad.
  • Pupils from a home in which English is the language spoken by one or both parents and who have sufficient knowledge of the language to participate in classes (Pupils need, by law, to be able to speak enough English to follow the lessons. This is not a criterion for pupils starting the pre-school).

Additionally, pupils living outside of Älmhult’s municipality need to get permission from the residing municipality.

Having a sibling enrolled, it is not given that a pupil will be enrolled at ISÄ. The admission criteria will still need to be met. Applications should be sent to Älmhults kommun, Internationella skolan, Box 500, 343 23 Älmhult. We want to receive your application no later than October 27, 2023. After that, we will process your application and you will receive a message during week 48.

If you instead want your child to start preschool class in a Swedish compulsory school in the autumn of 2024, you are welcome to make a school choice. You will be invited to make a school choice in January 2024.

If you have questions or concerns or need help with making the application, please contact the International School Nicola Crossan. Tel. 0476-64 25 73 or email nicola.crossan@almhult.se

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