Mother-tongue lessons

Do you want your child to have mother tongue teaching?

A pupil who has a guardian with a mother tongue other than Swedish is offered mother tongue instruction in this language if the language is the pupil's daily language of interaction at home and that the pupil has basic knowledge of the language. (Education Act, Chapter 10, Section 7).

Mother tongue teaching may not include more than one language for one pupil. Adopted children can also be offered mother tongue education.(School Ordinance Chapter 5, Section 7)

The teaching is voluntary and sometimes takes place outside school hours.

The minimum number of students for there to be a mother tongue group is five students and that there is a teacher available.

Mother tongue support starts from PYP 2. A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish may apply for mother-tongue lessons.

For applications within upper secondary school, contact study counsellors Matilda Karlsson or Veronica Larsson.

Keep applications that are below.

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