
Notification of illness or a planned abcence? Read more about it here.

Notification of illness

If your child needs to take a day off school due to sickness, it is important that you inform us by register the child’s absence through IST or that you contact the child´s homeroom teacher/mentor through email.

You can also contact administration for support if you need help with IST or to inform that your child is absent for the day.

We request that all absence should be informed between 7:30 - 8:00, before the school day starts so that all teachers can get this information in time.

IST Administrator for guardian External link.

Planned Absence

All school days are mandatory. Parents are kindly requested to plan family holidays during the many weeks of school holidays during the year, A longer absence during the school year puts a great demand on the student to acquire the knowledge necessary in order to reach the curriculum goals.

If there are reasons for absence e.g. dentist or doctor visits etc., the parent should submit an absence Request form to the class teacher/headmaster who may grant up to a maximum of ten days per school year.

The guardian has full responsibility if the student does not come to school on obligatory school days. All absences must be reported to the school.

The above planned absence procedure does not apply to Pre-School which is not mandatory. In order for a student to fully benefit from the academic and social opportunities, however, consistent attendance is needed.

Request for student absence External link.

Contact Administration

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Closed Opens 12 Feb at 8:00 AM
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