Action plan against tobacco, alcohol and drugs at Haganässkolan

Established 2022

Policy for upper secondary school in the municipality of Älmhult

The upper secondary school in the municipality of Älmhult wishes to offer all students the best possible education, give all students the opportunity to achieve the best learning outcomes, and provide a safe, secure and drug-free work environment. School is a workplace with the same requirements and obligations as other places of work. The use of drugs constitutes a danger to the students who take them as well as other students and staff, and can affect the safety and security of the work environment. The use of drugs can have a crucial influence on a student's motivation, learning outcomes, opportunities for further studies and their future working life. Haganässkolan actively promotes a drug-free school time and environment, and works to prevent the non-medical use of all kinds of drugs.

Research, proven experience and current legislation form the basis of Haganässkolan's policy and action plan. The school has a legal obligation to take preventative measures. The school must also intervene and take action if drugs are present in the school environment, whether amongst students or staff.

The purpose of Haganässkolan's policy is to:

  • prevent the use of tobacco, alcohol and narcotics
  • create a safe and secure work environment at school
  • prevent ill-health, incidents and accidents
  • detect at an early stage, draw attention to, and take action in the event of concerns and suspicions regarding the use of drugs
  • provide students with the best possible conditions to be able to complete their studies and achieve their school goals


The school must follow the legislation that in various ways relates to drugs in the school environment. It is regulated by the following laws:

  • The constitution
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The Penal Law on Narcotics
  • The Act on Tobacco and Similar Products
  • The Work Environment Act
  • The Swedish Education Act
  • The Social Services Act
  • The Official Secrets Act

Preventative measures

The purpose of preventative measures at Haganässkolan is to strengthen protective factors and reduce risk factors. Measures to increase the chances of detection also have a preventative effect. In the case of regular absence or other signs of ill-health the issue of drug use should be considered.

Quality work and certification

A school where there is trust and good relations, where pupils feel secure and can develop and succeed in their studies is an important protective factor.

Health discussions

The nurse meets with each student in year one to discuss health issues

Region Kronoberg

Every three year a survey of young people's health and lifestyle habits in year 2 of upper secondary school Region Kronoberg is done in collaboration with the Kronoberg region.Not on IB

Student health

The student health team meets every week

Class meetings between student health services and mentors take place once every spring and autumn

Parents and guardians, pupils and staff

Staff, pupils and parents and guardians are given information about the school alcohol and drug policy. Parents and guardians of pupils are informed about the school alcohol and drug policy when the pupil begins to study here, at which point they are invited to provide consent for our procedures.

The pupils are given information about where they go with questions about their own or their friends’ alcohol or drug problems, and what confidentiality rules apply in such situations.

Information can also be found here on the Haganässkolan website on the page Elevinformation

Drug tests

Drug testing is carried out in two ways.

When there is suspicion of use of drug use. The aim is to remove suspicion and create good circumstances for support and help for the pupil.

Random drug testing is offered to all students along with a structured discussion with student health services regarding well-being, attendance and any possible use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs. The purpose of this is to discover and thus prevent the use of drugs at an early stage, thereby preventing injury and accidents linked to practical elements of school life and workplace learning which might have consequences on a student's education and possibly mean that examinations cannot be taken.

Drug tests are always voluntary. Declining a drug test upon suspicion may mean that the social services are informed.


The school collaborates with the social services, the police, workplace learning/intern sites, and “KAA Fasetten” (municipal groups which provide study and career guidance to young people) with the aim of strengthening work on the school policy.

Knowledge and discussions

Pupils are informed about the school policy via the school website, in “class council” meetings and when they begin at the school. The education programme allocates time for knowledge building discussions and learning in order to give the pupils the ability to critically consider and reflect over the information about drugs.

Pupil lockers

When a pupil has use of one of the school lockers/storage spaces the school may check the locker/storage space if it is suspected that drugs, alcohol or other prohibited substance are being kept there. This takes place where possible in the presence of the pupil.

Detection dogs

In collaboration with the police the plan is to carry out searches of the school using detection (“sniffer”) dogs. The searches will take place outside school hours. The purpose is to prevent the use of narcotics and ensure the drug-free working environment.

Continuing education

The staff are offered continuing education on drugs.

Alcohol drugs anabolic tobacco ANDT is included in the syllabus which is compulsory. Not on IB or technique

Points of contact

Points of contact concerning tobacco, alcohol and drugs
Principal, counsellor or school nurse, Haganässkolan (service centre)0476-550 00
Support Unit and Reception (Social services)0476-550 00
Primary healthcare division in Växjö0470-59 22 90
The police112 (emergencies)
114 14 (tip-offs)

Informative websites

Approval of policy and drug tests at Haganässkolan

Haganässkolan has a policy and an action plan against alcohol and drugs. Amongst other things, the policy states that Haganässkolan would like to be able to perform drug tests on students on various grounds:

A) When concerns or suspicions arise regarding a student

Such concern may be due to observations, information received, or a change in behaviour, such as high absenteeism, conspicuous fatigue or indifference. In these cases, a conversation is held with the student in question, and the school may sometimes wish to also perform a rapid drug test (urine test) to rule out additional concerns. The school cannot force anyone to submit to a drug test.

B) General tests for health-and-safety reasons

The policy states: "Before work experience is given, or in advance of certain practical components of the education, the school may carry out drug tests on a teaching group. The tests are voluntary but may be a prerequisite for students to be able to participate in the educational component/work experience in question." Employers sometimes want to be assured that students are free from drugs in the same way their employees are checked.

C) General tests for a narcotics-free school

General drug tests may be performed as part of any of the school's programmes in order to ensure that Haganässkolan remains a drug-free school where staff and students can feel safe and secure. Drug tests are voluntary. General drug testing is an important element of the school's preventative efforts, since we can use them to identify students who are at risk of abusing drugs.

These tests are taken at school, are not notified to the authorities and are not monitored. They are done in accordance with established safe-sampling procedures.


In the case of under-age students, we need the approval of the parent(s) or guardian(s) in order to carry out the tests. We would therefore like to ask for your signature(s). This can be provided either via the electronic service or by using a form that should be returned to the student's mentor at the start of their first school year, but no later than three weeks after the start of the school year. The form is valid until the student turns 18 and the student's consent is obtained.

If you have any questions about our policy and action plan against alcohol and drugs, you are welcome to contact the responsible principal or school nurse at the relevant school unit.

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